東京大学 物性研究所 国際超強磁場科学研究施設

令和6年度 第2回 強磁場コラボラトリー オンラインセミナー

Scale-invariant transport in the cuprate superconductors

日程 : 2024年7月17日(水) 10:00 - 11:00

場所 : オンライン(Zoom)

講師 : Dr. Arkady Shekhter

所属 : National High Magnetic Field Facility, Los Alamos National Laboratory

主催 : 強磁場コラボラトリー

世話人 : 小濱 芳允

e-mail : ykohama@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Strange-metal state in the cuprate superconductors is defined by its T-linear resistivity in a broad range of temperatures. Such behavior is can be understood in the general language of quantum criticality where the intrinsic infrared cutoff energy scale depends on doping and vanishes near critical doping : near critical doping, the strange metal behavior extends to the lowest temperatures.

To explore such quantum critical picture, we have performed an-plane transport — longitudinal and Hall — measurements on LSCO cuprate near critical doping in a broad range of magnetic fields, up to 90 T. The observed temperature and magnetic field dependence of resistivity reveal scale-invariant behavior where temperature and magnetic field compete to set the infrared cutoff of critical fluctuations. Hall resistivity crosses over to a scale-invariant behavior at very high magnetic fields.